Europe Religious Saints

Saint Francis of Assisi

October 4

Today, we are feasting with… Saint Francis of Assisi.

Francis was born in Assisi, Italy, in the year 1181. His father, a wealthy cloth merchant, was on a trip to France when he was born. His mother named him Giovani, when his father returned from his travels he renamed him Francesco.

Francis grew up to be a sinful man who cared about money and other selfish pleasures. He later joined the army but was captured and thrown in prison for one year, waiting for his ransom. While Francis was in prison, he started to pray and received multiple visions from God. When he finally was released from jail, he became a different man.

Francis started caring for others and even helped nurse lepers! Saint Francis rejected his worldly possessions and received his habit from the Bishop. Unfortunately, his father publicly disowned him, but Francis didn’t let that stop him from doing God’s Will.

Francis received permission from Pope Innocent III to start his religious order, the Franciscans. Francis spent a lot of time in prayer and experienced many visions. In one of these visions, he saw Christ on the cross. Afterward, he received the wonderful blessing of the stigmata (the 5 wounds of Christ). He was the first recorded person to receive this holy mark.

His feast day is October 4, and he is the patron of animals, merchants, and Italy.

Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us!