Saints September Virgins

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Feast Day: September 8

How To Make Blueberry Bundt Cake

Today we celebrate the feast of… The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

To celebrate this feast day, we are making Blueberry Bundt Cake, a delicious, moist, and beautiful cake. It is patterned with swirls of blue and white, traditionally colors representative of Our Lady.

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today, the Catholic Church celebrates the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, exactly nine months after the December 8th celebration of her Immaculate Conception.

The circumstances of the Virgin Mary’s infancy and early life are not directly recorded in the Bible, but the tradition regarding the circumstances of her birth are cited by some of the earliest Christian writers from the first centuries of the Church.

These accounts, although not considered authoritative in the same manner as the Bible, outline some of the Church’s traditional beliefs about the birth of Mary.

Mary’s father, Joachim, was a wealthy member of one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Their childlessness deeply grieved Joachim and Anne. However, he called to mind Abraham, that in the last day God gave him a son, Isaac.

Joachim and Anne began to devote themselves extensively to prayer and fasting, initially wondering whether their inability to conceive a child might signify God’s displeasure with them.

On the contrary, the couple were to be blessed abundantly, as an angel revealed to Anne when he appeared to her and prophesied that all generations would honor their future child: “The Lord has heard your prayer, and you shall conceive, and shall bring forth, and your seed shall be spoken of in all the world.”

Happy Birthday to our Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth.

How to make Blueberry Bundt Cake