How to make Tabbouleh
Today I am feasting with… Saint Dismas.

To celebrate his feast day, I’m making Tabbouleh, a traditional Middle Eastern dish.
Music by the O’Neill Brothers Group
The Life of Saint Dismas
Not much is known about Dismas’ life and it is mostly the subject of legend. A popular medieval legend surrounding Dismas’ life is:
While the Holy Family was fleeing to Egypt, they stopped to spend the night in a cave. Living in the cave was a family with a son about the same age as Jesus. Sadly, the infant had leprosy, which was a painful and contagious disease.
Mary told the mother of the child to bathe him in the water she had just used used to wash our Savior. The mother did as Mary instructed and the child was instantly cured.
The two boys grew up and learned the trade of their fathers. Jesus preached and went about His ministry. While the other became a thief, like his father. The two men met again on Calvary.
One of the thieves, traditionally called Gestas, mocked Jesus claiming if He really was the Son of God he could save Himself and them as well.
But Dismas rebuked him saying that they were thieves and received their punishment justly but Jesus was falsely accused.
Then turning to Jesus he apologized and asked, ” Lord, please remember me when you go into your kingdom.” Jesus replied, “Today you will be with Me in Paradise.”
Dismas died around 33 in the year of Our Lord.
Saint Dismas’ Feast Day is March 25 and he is the patron of prisoners (especially condemned) and repentant thieves.
Saint Dismas, pray for us!