How to make Crème Brûlée
Today I am feasting with… Saint Joan of Arc.

To celebrate her feast day, I’m making Crème Brûlée, a traditional French dessert. Making a Crème Brûlée can seem intimidating, but I hope these words from Saint Joan will inspire you to give it a try!
“I am not afraid. I was born to do this.“
-Saint Joan of Arc
The Life of Saint Joan
Joan was born in Domrémy, France and is nicknamed “The Maid of Orléans”. When she was thirteen years old, Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Margaret, and Saint Catherine of Alexandria appeared to Joan, instructing her to help Charles VII free France from English domination.
On April 29th, 1429, Joan arrived in Orléans to help rally the French troops against the English. On May 8th, only 9 days later, the English retreated from Orléans and the battle was over.
Joan would go on to help the French win several battles before she was captured on May 23rd, 1430 in Margny, just north of Compiègne. After several escape attempts, the English moved Joan to the city of Rouen where she would stand trial for heresy and cross dressing.
On May 30th, 1431, The English tied Joan to a tall pillar, set her on fire, and burned her to death. After she died, the English raked the coals to expose Joan’s charred body to prove that she did not escape. Afterwards, the English burned her body twice more to completely reduce it to ashes to prevent the collection of relics. Afterwards, the English dumped her remains in the Seine river.
Joan was nineteen years old when she died. Pope Benedict XV canonized Saint Joan of Arc on May 16th, in the year of our Lord, 1920. We celebrate her feast day on May 30th, and she is the patron saint of France and military personnel.
Saint Joan of Arc, pray for us!