Today I am Feasting with… Saint Jeanne Delanoue.

The Life of Jeanne Delanoue
Jeanne Delanoue was born in 1666, in Anjou, France. Her parents were the proud owners a Catholic store. By the time Jeanne was about twenty-five, both of her parents had passed away. Jeanne inherited their store but it was soon evident, she was only interested in monetary gain.
Jeanne opened her store on Sunday, which was unusual during that time, and turned all the beggars away. She lived with pride and greed for a long time. Until one day, an old woman who everyone dismissed as insane, visited Jeanne’s store. She warned Jeanne not to turn her away because she was close to God. The woman also informed Jeanne that her greedy life would cost her the eternal happiness of Heaven.
Jeanne heeded the warning and started to receive beggars with a generous heart. She eventually sold her store in order to devote more time to the poor. Jeanne started to live out the corpral works of mercy. She fed the hungry, gave drink to the thirsty, clothed and housed the poor, and cared for sick and dying.
Jeanne and a few other women who desired to imitate her life style, founded the Congregation of Saint Anne of Providence. They dedicated themselves to the old, destitute, and infirm. Jeanne also founded many religious houses, hospitals, and schools. Throughout the rest of her life, Jeanne cared for all who came to her for help.
Jeanne Delanoue died on August 17, 1736, at seventy years old. She was beatified by Pope Pius XII on November 8, 1947. Pope John Paul II canonized her on October 31, 1982.
Her Feast Day is August 17. Also known as, St. Joan of the Cross.
Saint Jeanne Delanoue, pray for us!