How to make Fresh Orange Scones
Today I am feasting with… Saint Thomas More!

To celebrate his feast day, I’m making Fresh Orange Scones. These traditional English scones are cut into the shape of a Tudor Rose. Portraits of Saint Thomas More often depict him as wearing a Livery collar with the Tudor Rose in the center. I thought these delicious scones would be the perfect way to pay homage to Saint Thomas More.
The Life of Thomas More
Saint Thomas More was born in London, on February 7th, 1478. He went to college at Oxford in 1492, but his father wanted him to study law instead. Thomas completed his education at Lincoln’s Inn before he went to bar.
In 1504, Thomas was elected to Parliament to represent the region of Great Yarmouth. Six years later, he would go on to represent London. Thomas More continued to rise through the ranks until King Henry VIII knighted him as Sir Thomas More. He later became the secretary and personal advisor to King Henry.
A Turn for the Worse
It is at this point in Thomas’ life where things begin to change for the worse. King Henry VIII wanted to marry Anne Boleyn, but he had to separate from Catherine of Aragon first. In order to marry Anne Boleyn, King Henry petitioned the Pope, requesting an annulment from Catherine. The Pope found no merit with the King’s request and refused to grant the annulment. This infuriated King Henry, so he separated from the Catholic Church and proclaimed himself Supreme Head of the Church of England. King Henry divorced Catherine of Aragon and married Anne Boleyn on January 25th, in the year of our Lord, 1533.
Sir Thomas More, being a devout Catholic, resigned from his post and refused to proclaim his allegiance to the Act of Succession. By signing the oath of the Act of Succession, Thomas More would be confirming King Henry’s annulment from Catherine, Anne Boleyn’s role as queen, and King Henry’s self proclamation as head of the Church. Thomas refused to sign the oath, forcing King Henry to arrest him. The sentence for the crime was death by hanging, and to be drawn by horses until quartered. King Henry ended up commuting this sentence to execution by decapitation only.
The execution took place on July 6th, 1535. After Thomas More had finished reciting the Miserere, the executioner reportedly begged his pardon. Thomas rose up merrily from the chopping block, kissed the executioner, and gave him forgiveness.
Just before his execution, Sir Thomas More said the following:
“I am the king’s good servant, but God’s first!”
Saint Thomas More
Saint Thomas More’s Feast Day is June 22nd. He is the patron saint of adopted children, civil servants, lawyers, politicians, and statesmen.
Saint Thomas More, pray for us!